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Concealed Carry (CCW) LICENSE

For the 2A 613 Community

We have ב”ה partnered with some authorized schools that gear towards the 2A 613 communities.

When I began this journey, there weren’t many options for the שומר שבת communities. Now, due to the demand and the success that I was able to get other schools and instructors to realize the potential to cater to our communities needs (the days and hours and צניעות etc.) I am proud to provide the following list of schools that have classes in or near our neighborhoods and their schedules are Shabbos and Yom Tov compliant.

NOW OFFERING PRIVATE CLASSES, EITHER 1-on-1 or with a group of your friends.


please note: Due to the nature of the class and the current events, certain schools don’t disclose the location of the classes and other important details - they are only provided once you sign up and they verify your information.


(Downtown brooklyn)

This class is Done on Sundays - pre-registration required.

$550.00 Given by an authorized instructor.





Given by an authorized instructor. I Have instructors that will do it. There is a minimum amount of participants & must provide classroom location that has a large screen/monitor for the presentation. serious inquiries only.

A Man Hold a Gun from behind. Self Defense Weapon
important, stamp


I am prepared, I got my CCW

Great. You exercised your 2nd Amendment right to self-defense and took the NYS 18 hour mandatory class, and now you carry your firearm and feel protected.

I hate to bust your bubble!

Unfortunately, the class that you took did not prepare you AT ALL! Yes, you heard about all the laws of where you can, and where not you can carry, the use of force, etc. etc.. IT did NOT teach you HOW. Let me explain.

You go to the range and feel that you got this. You can shoot the bulls eye from 25 yards. You consider yourself a pro. WRONG! There is a HUGE difference from standing in a safe environment, and your opponent is a paper target VS being faced with a threat to your life that warrants you to use your firearm in self defense. This skill can only be obtained if YOU TRAIN, and TRAIN and TRAIN. Taking a few (mandatory) courses is not sufficient.

PLEASE, PLEASE, take classes, find a school, find an instructor that you can trust and take this seriously. Be prepared to spend many hours to become a RESPONSIBLE CCW holder, and gain the knowledge, the skills and the confidence to be prepared in the event that YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT!

Ignorance is the root of misfortune!


did you just get your ccw or waiting for your approval? are you prepared? don’t have time to go to the range as often? DO YOU HAVE THE SKILLS NEEDED TO BE A RESPONSIBLE GUN OWNER?


FOR WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR: This course is geared towards the pending approval individuals, and to new and existing gun owners.

I cannot emphasize enough the importance of practicing and training. We often don’t go to the gun range as often as we should.

WHAT WILL I GAIN FROM THIS COURSE: This special DRY-FIRE COURSE, will teach you the proper techniques and skills needed to practice in the comfort of your home without the need of using live ammunition.

WHO IS GIVING THIS COURSE: The instructor, Ross Den, a highly decorated Israeli Soldier, has trained with many special forces, and for the past 7 years, has been running active shooter training courses which caters to civilians and law enforcement.

WHERE and WHEN CAN I TAKE THIS COURSE: This is a 2 hour training, given locally (not in a range). Depending on the demand, we will arrange classes in different local neighborhoods and schedule them in the evenings. Please sign up here to get a notification of all our upcoming classes.

HOW MUCH DOES IT COST: The price of being prepared in the event of a self-defense situation is priceless. The price of this course however, is only $99.99

Firearms - Shooting Club

THE Course Highlights:

Note: The level of the participants participation, will dictate pace and skills which will be covered.

Gun Safety:

- The fundamental rules that pertains to gun safety and handling.

Fundamental Skills:

- Grip: Proper techniques for holding the firearm to maintain control and accuracy.

- Stance: Learning and practicing the correct body position for stability and control.

- Sight Alignment: Techniques for aligning the front and rear sights accurately.

- Trigger Control: Focusing on smooth, controlled trigger pulls without disturbing sight alignment.

Drawing and Presentation:

- Holster work: Safely drawing and holstering the firearm.

- Presentation: Bringing the firearm from the holster to the ready position efficiently.


- Dry-fire drills for practicing magazine changes and reloads.

- Emphasis on speed, efficiency, and maintaining focus on the target.

Target Acquisition and Transition:

- Developing skills for quickly acquiring and transitioning between multiple targets.

- Building muscle memory to enhance speed and accuracy.

Movement Drills:

- Incorporating movement into dry-fire exercises to simulate real-world scenarios.

- Learning to shoot accurately while on the move.

Mental Focus:

- Techniques for maintaining concentration and focus during dry-fire practice.

- Visualization exercises to enhance performance.

Dry-Fire Training Plans:

- Providing participants with structured dry-fire training plans to continue practicing on their own.

- Recommendations for frequency, duration, and specific drills to improve skills over time.

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Depending on the feedback received, I will continuously add more content to this website.

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